Products Image Recognition

Image Recognition

Artificial Intelligence with a Vision

General v1 is a model trained to recognize everyday things around us.

Enter an url of a publicly accessible image or click on the images on the right.
Enter image url:

Could not load image, please try a different url

*APIs return json data, simillar to what is displayed in json tab. If you are using python client it would be response object.
  more information on this can be found at Docs: Image Recognation

Top 3 results are returned, this setting can be changed to return anything from top 1-5 results.
You can also set a threshold confidence level, only results with confidence above the threshold will be returned.
Below is an example python code for image recognition.

Sample python client code:
from cognious import CogniousApp

# Initialize application client
app = CogniousApp('DKP3ADiCHVWO0NvuDg9XIpYgZAgKIXc73ZiPfBe2', 'i55x7kQWGc83u2fpKgMmyGCXaWDHYlk7kS986a6e')

# Get the model you want to use
# models.get function returns an instance of the model
model = app.models.get('ImageRecognition')

# Use the available methods to make a prediction
# predict_by_url(<image_url>)

# model.response contains the response
# {
#   'success': True,
#   'result': {
#     'prediction': [
#       {'confidence': '0.679696', 'answer': 'golden_retriever'},
#       {'confidence': '0.317834', 'answer': 'Labrador_retriever'},
#       {'confidence': '0.00169803', 'answer': 'kuvasz'}
#     ]
#   }
# }
# model.result contains the result portion of the response